Practical, low cost, local, flexible.
Held on the students sites up to an hours drive from Bellingen.
Cost is $200/ person for the four day course.
Group size is six students – ideally we travel around as two carloads. Nominate days you are available. When I can form a group of six who have four free days in common, we have a class.

For people who have access to a site and need a design.
Day 1
Visit littoral rainforest. The rainforest is a productive, self sustaining system growing on almost infertile sand. Look at how nature does it with a view to using these principles in the garden.
Visit permaculture garden. See real site examples of permaculture principles including zones, food forests, mutually beneficial connections and water management.
Days 2-4
The class visits each students site for half a day. We work on a basic design for each site and list priorities – where to start and then go next. When visiting other peoples properties you will be get ideas for your own place, develop skill in reading the landscape and design skill.
What to Bring
The National Park walk is 2hr (5km) easy walking. There are no toilets. On all days bring water, lunch, decent footwear, sun/ insect protection, wet weather gear. Specific equipment for skills days are organised on day 1. Students will be given each others contact details for carpooling if they wish. Travel between sites is at own risk.
Use contact page to nominate availability and address. Have a think about what you want to do and what’s getting in the way…

For people who have a design but are stuck due to lack of skill in some area.
Day 1
Planning the skills days. If you’re under skilled you’re probably underequipped – talk tools & materials.
Days 2-4
Spend half/ day at each students site on a project of your choice. Examples include propagation, planting, building a shade house, greywater diversion, building a small swale. The emphasis here is not necessarily getting a project finished in half a day, but improving skills.