You don’t have to face the street
What do you do on a town block where the street faces northwest, the sun faces north and the views face northeast?
The answer is to face them all. One facade of this house faces the street, for car acess. This is the direction of hot summer sun, so limited glass has been used on this facade.

This house is built in Dorrigo, at over 700m above sea leavel is a cool temperate climate. Solar acess is a critical part of passive solar design here, so the living areas face north.

The views are to the northeast, so the living areas and deck also face the view.

The deck is partly covered, for summer outdoor living, and partly uncovered, for a sunny winter spot and to give solar acess to the kitchen.

With all these better options, why on earth would you face the street?

Here’s a floor plan to show how it was done.

The house was built by Jeff Hughes, who is my tip for best builder in Dorrigo.